Our Staff


Dr K T Ahmed 

GP Partner and Trainer

Dr N Guttoor

MBBS MRCGP PG Dip (Diabetes)
GP Partner and Trainer 

Dr N Hassan



Dr F Arien


Salaried GP

Dr T Vouvalidis


Dr A Graham


Dr K Lupton 


Advanced Nurse Practitioners

D Hunt 

Nurse Practitioners have been trained to deal with minor ailments (sore throats, cystitis etc.) and chronic diseases (coronary heart disease, chronic pulmonary disease, asthma and diabetes. They are highly skilled and very experienced and work closely with the doctors to enhance the scope of the practice team. They are also qualified to prescribe medication.

Practice Management

H Bari

Practice Manager

The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.

Practice Nurses

K Margetts

A Mulangu  

The Practice Nurse is available to help with a variety of health matters. To arrange an appointment please contact the practice and speak to one of our receptionist. Please note: Unfortunately, the nurses employed by the practice do not do dressings. To arrange an appointment with the District Nurses, please ring 0161 763 8525.

Healthcare Assistant

S Harris

Healthcare assistant supports our practice nurse with their daily work. They may also act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one. To arrange an appointment please get in touch with the practice and speak to one of our receptionist.

Clinical Pharmacist

N Patel

The pharmacist holds clinics in which he reviews patients who need a 6-12 monthly review of their medications. He also supports the doctors with medication queries, reconciling medication after a patient has been in the hospital, requests from the hospitals to change any of their current medications. He also supports the practice with our drug safety audits, which we do to ensure that the practice is prescribing safely and effectively.



The Secretarial team assist with the processing of all hospital referrals once requested by the GP. They can also help with any queries you may have with reference to a referral.


A doctor’s reception is often a very busy and sometimes difficult environment in which to work. The receptionists employed by the practice are here to help and we would be grateful if patients could respect the reception staff at all times. The reception staff are trained to help you access our services and to ensure that the practice runs smoothly. However, please remember that they are not doctors and nurses and, whilst they work hard to help you, they may not have instant answers or solutions to all your enquiries.